How to.. Propose abroad!

Proposals can be nerve-wracking at the best of times, so if you are planning to bruise the knee abroad (or know someone who is) these top tips may come in handy!

What to do with the ring!
The main worry most people have when proposing on holiday is taking the ring abroad. We believe the best thing to do is keep it in your carry-on bag, especially as you go through security, since you’re more likely to set off the metal detector if the ring is in your pocket. Make sure you follow every other airport rule to a tee (liquids and laptop out of your bag, no water bottles in your carry-on) to avoid additional complications. Don’t forget extra insurance for the ring!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
As soon as you arrive at your destination, don’t be afraid to pull the concierge aside and explain the real purpose of your trip. If you have an idea of how you want to propose or if you’re completely clueless and don’t know where to start, they maybe able to help you bring it all together magically.

Before you travel, do a bit of research on your location or venue. Find out what it has to offer and whereabouts you plan to propose. You may find your trip coincides with a special event or natural occurrence that will make for an unforgettable proposal.

Remember to take photographs (or have your phone handy and charged!)
The moment can happen so quickly and time on holiday often goes by so fast that the pictures help keep the moment alive. Also, photos help your friends and family members feel like they were apart of the moment when you tell them the story over and over again.

Don’t panic/Have a back-up plan.
You may have freakishly bad weather or the venue is not how you imagined… but don’t panic, discuss with whoever is helping you plan your proposal about a plan B just in case all doesn’t go according to plan.

Good Luck,

Bex x